Sunday, June 6, 2010

The Boy on the Bus: When your child wants you to sing...all the time

Title: The Boy on the Bus
Author: Penny Dale
Illustrator: Penny Dale
Age Range: 2-6
Genre: Picture books

I grabbed this book for my son, who is the one who is in love with cars, trucks and most recently buses.  When we drop his sister off at school and we see a yellow school bus on the way, he shouts, "BUS mom!" in his cute excited voice.  I showed him the book and said, "Look it's a bus!" and he looked confused.  He said, "RED" which then I understood that he realized that the bus was not yellow but red.  I almost put it back but thought I'd give it a try, especially since it said "Sing-along Storybook."

We got home later and I opened it up.  Everyone is familiar with the song, "The Wheels on the Bus Go Round and Round" which is a fun song for the younger group. (it can be annoying and tedious for adults if your child asks you to sing it over and over.)  This book has you singing the words to that melody as a young boy drives a bus through the area, picking up various animals along the way.  The animals get to make sounds (the pigs say oink oink, the sheep say baa baa, the chickens say bawk bawk) and they all join in the song.  As I sang/read the book with gusto, both my 2-year old son and 4-year old daughter were laughing and getting into the book. Son had fun pointing to all the animals asking. "Is that a cow/duck/sheep/pig/chicken/horse?"

It is a wonderfully charming book with fantastic pictures of masses of animals being crammed into a bus as the boy says that there is plenty of room on the bus.  Soon it is cram full of animals and the young boy drives it.  If you have a problem with masses of animals on the bus or the picture of a very young boy driving the vehicle, this is not the book for you. However, if your child enjoys being sung to all the time, and you sometimes run out of words or melodies to sing, this IS the book for you, as you can sing the entire book from cover to cover.

"The boy on the bus drives round and round, round and round, round and round..." (Dale)

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